June 10, 2006

only in Canada...

Judy Wasylicia-Leis, my local member of parliament, our representative in the government of Canada, is putting forth a private members bill called the "Tampon Tax". To propose that we no longer pay a tax on tampons and menstrual products.

This sounds fair. But I have to slightly snicker as I think about a large formal room in Ottawa, full of mostly older men in suits, some women, taking a moment "debating" whether we should pay taxes for hygienic care of our monthly blood loss.

In University I was on a "whitewash" group that promoted reusable menstrual products. We made posters and had workshops. Promoting the reduction of dioxins used in paper products, and less garbage in our sewers and landfills. I still advocate for this choice.

Perhaps only in Canada, in a time of global uncertainty, national concerns, will our government stop for a moment and talk about what to do for women during their menstrual cycles.

It's funny because I also got a great card in the mail from my dear friend Bobby-Jo Halton that was a "Happy Period"card.

This almost made me think of being in Manila, when women, without hesitation would ask me straight up, right in front of Grace, if she'd started menstruating yet. This was a common discussion between strangers and friends. Don't even ask. That I just even wrote that last sentence is embarrassing enough.

Is this post interesting? Slightly humorous? Or uncomfortable?


At 5:09 a.m., June 10, 2006, Blogger Cheryl said...

As long as we`re not talking about me, it is definitely funny.

At 1:21 p.m., June 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Beckie
Definitely enjoy your comments.
So real!! Miss you guys.

Luv Diane

At 1:05 a.m., June 11, 2006, Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

Funny, slightly uncomfortable - but then not because I'm hearing it from you! :)

At 3:13 p.m., June 11, 2006, Blogger Beth B said...

I miss you and love you all.

At 5:49 p.m., June 12, 2006, Blogger Claire said...

Yeah! That's hilarious! I can see you writing that too...half amused, half embarassed. No, that was a good post. And as fun as it was openly talking about periods in the Philippines, I much more enjoyed when I was forced to visualize the event.

At 12:52 a.m., June 14, 2006, Blogger Ruth said...

LOL! My mom threatened to throw me a party when I got my period! I didn’t tell her I’d started menstruating for at least six months, for fear she might acctually do it. She finally caught on. I never did get that party!

At 2:28 p.m., July 06, 2006, Blogger Mercy said...

so when did last get your period cheryl?

oh sorry that was uncomfortable.

i agree - the keeper/diva cup all the way, for those who can. it's the way to go. and i'm way more comfortable with menstruating since i started using it. it's been over 10 years!!! can you imagine all that waste and $$ saved??? (ooooh! :P)

although, i think menstrual is kind of a yucky word in it self for some reason. it may be some residual embarassment. those sex-ed classes when all the girls were taken out of class together....


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