May 09, 2006

not forgetting

Asher is playing in the dirt. Elijah is riding his bike all around. Grace is on a horse, trotting around in the back field. The sun is shining. The air is clear.

Grace has been eating her food with a spoon and fork. She's holding on to little things from the Philippines.

I keep thinking about little cement alley ways, crowded with people, laundry hanging everywhere, water dripping on my head as I walk along, me thinking "I hope that was from the laundry", kids bathing in water buckets at the edge of the alley, tattered clothes, little fires with pots of rice cooking, mangey dogs, smiles and sadness...

In the words of Rik Leaf "I've got to remember not to forget",


At 8:37 p.m., May 09, 2006, Blogger Kim said...

Coming home can be sooo hard. I never want to leave those things that I loved most, or the things that seemed so characteristic of a place. I have a soap and whenever I smell it I am immediately transported to my home in Penang, Malaysia. And everything comes back. I have to smell it sometimes.
I wish you the wisdom to enjoy the memories, and live at home today.


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