March 24, 2006

I'm It

Ok, Ok, I'm it.

4 Jobs I've Had

1. Mental Health Crisis Worker
2. Greyhound Station Attendant
3. Newspaper Boy
4. Tree planter & Tree salesman

4 Shows/ Movies I've been addicted to

1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (via internet)
2. Corner Gas
3. The National (via internet... a boring addiction, i admit)
4. American Idol (I don't like much of what this show stands for, but hey, it's fun to pretend that I know what the contestants are doing wrong!)

4 Countries I'd Like to Visit

1. Nepal (I'm going there in about a month!)
2. Tibet (always wanted to go there, since I was a little child)
3. Turkey and Greece (get to go there in my masters program!)
4. Scotland (visit some of my roots)

4 Books I've enjoyed recently

1. How the Irish Saved Civilization
2. The DaVinci Code
3. A Boy of Good Breeding
4. Naturally Supernatural

4 People I look like

1. My Dad
2. A friend says I look like her Danish brother-in-law
3. Legolas from Lord of the Rings (I think its the hair)
4. My Father

4 Things I'd like to do before I die

1. Live in another country for an extended period of time
2. Scuba Dive
3. Travel Europe with my wife
4. Write a book

4 People I tag

1. Mike Berg
2. Cam Tucker
3. Kelly Brown
4. Lanney Badham

Now you're it!


At 11:51 p.m., March 24, 2006, Blogger Kelly Brown said...

Beckie tagged me too. I feel extra special! :)

I'm already excited to read your book!


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