March 21, 2006

Yeah, Beckie wants to play

Cheryl informed me that I should get on it and respond to the blog tagging rather than sitting on the swing in my own little world.

4 Jobs I've Had

1. Midwife
2. Lifeguard
3. Residential Care worker
4. Tree planter

4 Shows/ Movies I've been addicted to

1. Corner Gas
2. American and Canadian Idol (under the influence of Grace)
3. Friends
4. Whose line is it anyway? (10 pm reruns on CTV)

4 Countries I'd Like to Visit

1. Any city in Africa, plus the country side, maybe a refugee camp
2. India or Nepal, or pretty much any other Asian country with Mega City and huge urban slums
3. Australia
4. Anywhere in Europe that we have friends (Switzerland, Swedan, Germany, Portugal, England) and I want to go to Scotland in 2008 for the next International Confederation of Midwives.
Also, I want to go with Andy on his "Bible Land Study Tour" with the St. Stephen's Masters program he is starting in the fall.

4 Popular Assumptions About Me

1. That I am laid back about everything, there are many areas of anal retentiveness in me, like dirty toilets, sinks that aren't wiped out,
2. That I wasn't preppy in high school. Andy converted me to neo-hippiness in YWAM.

I can't think of any other assumptions, I feel like I am such an open book. Ask me the truth about anything, I might exaggerate, but I'll probably tell you.

4 People I look like

1. I have had two men say I look like a movie star
2. More than 2 people have asked me if I'm pregnant (I haven't gained any weight, but people have had no qualms telling me that I'm fat here)
3. I always wanted to think that I looked like Elisabeth Shue (Adventures in Babysitting)
4. My mom and or my dad

4 Things I'd like to do before I die

1. Learn to speak another language
2. Live in an intentional community
3. Know my kids well when they are adults
4. Be a spoken word poet

4 People I tag

1. Kris Antonius
2. Deanna Momtchilov
3. Kelly Brown
4. Andy Wood


At 5:24 a.m., March 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Beckie, I'm excited about the Europe part. You're invited to Germany any time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Sabine

At 7:45 p.m., March 23, 2006, Blogger Kelly Brown said...

Hey Beckie! I was so excited to see that you tagged me! Yahooooo!!!


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